Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pages from our Past: Back Issues Now Available

In response to all of the readers who've asked us about previous issues available for purchase, we have created a new back issues page. Now you can view a list of feature stories, departments and recipes that have appeared in our pages, from our premiere issue to the latest edition.

The page also links to a handy order form, which you can fax or mail to us and we'll pack up and ship off your order as soon as we get it.


  1. As an early subscriber, I'm glad you're doing this. This might seem lazy but it's easier to check this page to see where you discussed, say, winter beers, than it is to flip through all of the issues on my shelf.

  2. I received my 4 back issues today! That was a VERY fast turnaround.


  3. finally! my issues have all "disappeared." thanks...
