Friday, February 08, 2008

Vino Tagz

Keeping the sniffles at bay this time of year is hard enough without accidentally sharing glassware. Colorful silicone Vino Tagz are the perfect solution, all while being refreshingly free of beads and dangly charms. Slip them around the stem of your wine or cocktail glass to keep track of who’s drinking what. You can even write on them with a ballpoint pen, and rub it right off later—a handy feature for home wine tastings. At $13 for 6, they're a great deal, and they even double as customizable napkin rings.


  1. Cute! I love that you can write on them so eveyone knows what kind of wine they're drinking. By the way, really, enjoying the blog since finding it!

  2. never thought of that... that's great!

  3. Thats an awesome idea. Now, no one can steal your drink, no one can misplace theirs, its an amazing invention! I love the ideas!!

  4. those are amazing. if i had any sort of disposable income, i might be tempted ;x

  5. I get so tired of the charmy type of tags that you see everywhere, so I'm excited to see these - thanks!
