Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Gift of Good Drinking

If you're like us, you've been busy this week taking care of last-minute holiday shopping. So for those of you hoping to squeeze in some gift subscriptions to your favorite drinks magazine, we thought we'd remind you that you have until December 29 (last day of Hanukkah!) to send your friends and family a year's worth of Imbibe in order to begin with the Jan/Feb issue, which is packed with great recipes and stories, including a feature by Camper English on scotch whisky, a fascinating look into the world of speakeasies by Paul Clarke, a story by Joshua Bernstein on homebrewing, an absinthe taste test, and much more. Simply click here to use our easy gift page, and take advantage of our special gift offer: your first sub is $20, and all additional subs are only $18.

We hope your holidays are happy and relaxing, and here's to another year of delicious imbibing ahead!